Mac OsX : the dmfit program works under Max OsX using the WINE
program (tested on Sierra 10.13 and higher)...
Install Wine 4.0 is the current version (3.0 was working) from
https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/macosx/download.html the program should be
installed in '/Applications/Wine Stable.app'
From 20180904b I now provide a .dmg file with a single package that you just
have to drag to your application folder.
What is working ;-)
+ drag a file to the open program
+ associate .fxlm, .fxmla, .1r, .fid, .ser, .rr... to the application
+ directly load example files to dmfit... by clicking the file
But Sorry ;-(
+ you cannot copy/paste graphs from dmfit in this configuration...
+ you cannot run the quasar model
Linux :: The dmfit program also works on Linux system using the WINE emulator (tested on Red Hat 7.1 and higher).
Windows XP :
!!!! Warning !!!
dmfit may not be compatible with the "grouping similar buttons" feature of the task bar.
click right on the "start" button, [properties]/[Task Bar] disable "grouping similar buttons"
!!!! Warning Registration of extensions !!!
Remark for Vista & Windows7 users : Vista & Windows7 do not allow application to
register their extension in the normal mode, to register the 1R, fid, fxml,
fxmla, f01... extensions
To register dmfit extension execute the program once in the "administrator" mode by
clicking the right button and chosing "execute as Administrator"