CSDM Core Scientific Dataset Model [.csdf]

From version #201911xx Dmfit uses this compact format to read and save data and intermediate computation outputs. The self consistent .csdf files contains all necessary parameters to conduct signal processing, modeling and fitting implemented in dmfit. Theses .csdf files can also be represented, read and processed in related softwares :

The CSDM Core Scientific Dataset Model is a lightweight and portable model and file format for multi-dimensional scientific data jointly developed by Philip J. Grandinetti & Deepansh J. Srivastava (Ohio State University), Thomas Vosegaard (Aarhus University, Denmark) and Dominique Massiot (University of Orleans CNRS, France). The article describing and exemplifying CSDM has been publised in Plos One in January 2020

Using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) serialization CSDM implemements a lightweight portable and versatile standard for intra- and interdiscplinariy data exchange. The csdmpy python library implements reading and

The csdmpy python library implements reading and plotting of csdm encoded data with examples.


Ohio State University News :
Simplifying how scientists share data
Researchers develop new open-source system to manage and share complex datasets


Deepansh J.Srivastava, Thomas Vosegaard, Dominique Massiot, Philip J.Grandinetti1
'Core Scientific Dataset Model: A lightweight and portable model and file format for multi-dimensional scientific data'
Plos One, 15 e0225953 (2020)