Two Dimensional One Pulse (TOP) processing...

 Example :  27Al MAS 300MHz spectrum of YAG for TOP processing  

D.Massiot, J.Hiet, N.Pellerin, F.Fayon, M.Deschamps, S.Steuernagel, P.J.Grandinetti
'Two dimensional One Pulse MAS of Half-Integer Quadrupolar Nuclei'
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 181 310-315 (2006)

TOP reconstruction protocol (only available from dm2006 versions)

  1. Download the TOP example files [Download] and extract the zip file to a directory of you choice.

  2. Load the "YAG 300 001 BL.1R" 1D file [Menu/File/Open. The 1D files shows multiple spinning sidebands arising from the satellite transitions of AlO6 and AlO4 contributions.

  3. Load the default decomposition parameters [Menu/Decomposition/Load Fit]. This decomposition file only contains a fit of the <+/-3/2> spinning sidebands allowing an exact measurement of the spinning rate (31244.29Hz).

  4. Generate the 2D TOP spectrum by calling [Menu/Tools/TOP/1D->2D]
    Click the "baseline correct" to add a baseline correction after the 1D->2D conversion
    Click the "separate slices" to separate the reconstructed spinning sideband slices by nulls
    Click the "to 2D" button to execute or "Quit" to exit

  5. You should now have a 2D spectrum looking like this (after rescaling with [Menu/Graph/Parameters change "level div" to 1.9].
    In this spectrum you see
        + the AlO6 sharp line with its satellite transition (right most intense line)
        + the AlO4 second order broadened central transition, only showing up in the central slice (N=0) with its <+-3/2> transition on the left side (sharp ridge) and even some contributions of the <+-5/2> transitions.

  6. Build the sum spectrum (equivalent to synchronized acquisition) by calling [Menu/Tools/TOP/Proj all] and obtain the spectrum below showing clearly the <1/2>, <3/2> and <5/2> transitions (from right to left) of the AlO4 contribution

  7. Go to the left panel button and select "ssb" from the projection list ("no proj" by default) and build the projection again [Menu/Tools/TOP/Proj N#0] and obtain the spectra of the satellite transitions alone (by ignoring the N=0 central transition).