EditNMR program
The "Edit NMR" program is designed to help in viewing the NMR spectra stored on disk. It consists in two main parts :
A multiple file window in which you can view spectra and parameters
A browser in which you can proview spectra and parameters or scan the content of different directories
The standard input of EditNMR are NMR data files it can read in :
Ascii format (list of x/y points in a regularly samples way)
Bruker XWinNMR
Simpson ASCII files
- ...
The program has been tested under Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, it currently does not run under Wine emulators with Mac OsX or Linux
There exist no extended documentation or help files...
Warning : these programs are laboratory developped program that
match our specific needs, be aware that there is no waranty of any kind that it
will run properly for yours...
Typical mutiple file display of EditNMR

Typical NMR file Browser window in EditNMR