NMR @ CEMHTI CNRS UPR3079 - Orléans France

Materials and NMR / RMN et Matériaux

Valérie Montouillout, Michael Deschamps, Catherine Bessada, Elodie Salager, Franck Fayon, Pierre Florian, Nadia Pellerin & Dominique Massiot research group
NMR Approach : Order and Desorder in Materials - Structure and Dynamics - Materials for Energy - Molten Salts
Approche RMN : Ordre et Désordre dans les Matériaux - Structure et Dynamique - Matériaux pour l'Energie - Sels Fondus

Pierre Florian, Vincent Sarou-Kanian, Aydar Rakhmatullin NMR facility
High Resolution Solid State and High Temperature NMR facility
Plateforme RMN Haute Résolution Solide et Haute Température

IR-RMN Tres Hauts Champs provides national and international access to 850 MHz spectrometer at CEMHTI
It is part of the Infranalytics CNRS Infrastructure [NMR / EPR / FT-ICR]
PANACEA brings together and integrates eight national solid-state NMR infrastructures in Europe and in the United States and opens them to all European chemists, from both academia and industry. Funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 framework program, the project started on September the 1st 2021 for a period of four years.
PANACEA web site / linkedIn / Twitter / Facebook

Dmfit & EditNMR programs 

Dmfit and EditNmr programs are Windows based programs developed at CEMHTI by Dominique Massiot and coworkers to match our requirement for processing and modeling Solid State and High Temperature NMR experiments.

The Dmfit programs enables fitting of solid state (and liquid) NMR spectra, including 1D and 2D datasets
current version is : dmfit#20230120
Description & Help... / Download...
Edit NMR program : file Viewer for NMR files (Bruker, Ascii...)
Description... / Download...
Warning : these programs are laboratory developped program that match our specific needs, be aware that there is no waranty of any kind that it will run properly for yours...


Massiot et al. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 40 pp70-76 (2002) [see more or ask for a reprint]
ISI citation index 3446 (12/12/2023)
users : 12244 registered - 11293 with download
users logged in : 22 last week - 90 last month - 972 last year

"One of the most cited recent paper in the field of Engineering" ISI July 2003
we thank all "dmfit" users for this achievement

see also...

Baseline Corrector by Maxime Yon described in :
Maxime Yon, Franck Fayon, Dominique Massiot, Vincent Sarou-Kanian 'Iterative baseline correction algorithm for dead time truncated one-dimensional solid-state MAS NMR spectra' Solid State NMR, Volume 110, 101699, December 2020 doi:10.1016/j.ssnmr.2020.101699 [see more or ask for a reprint]